Making Indonesia a cleaner and
Making Indonesia a cleaner and
even more beautiful country
Indonesia Indah Foundation has a dream of a sustainable, clean and even more beautiful Indonesia, on land and at sea.
We achieve our goals through Education, Awareness, and Conservation programs, whilst also providing disaster relief when required.
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Our goals for 2024
We are on a mission to make everyone an environmentally-concerned change-maker in Indonesia
"It has been really nice to do something to clean up our over-burdened capital city the last three years. We have to start somewhere, and I am a firm believer in educating our fellow citizens so that they can do their part." Mike Lewis
Actor, model, artist
"The best way to advance a sustainable, clean Jakarta is that everybody should become an agent of change. It’s not the responsibility of one person, but everyone’s. Together we can make this happen." Davina Veronica
Model, animal rights activist
"When I love someone, I want to take care of them. I live in and love Jakarta. So, I am taking care of it by being part of this loving movement, Hari Bersih Indonesia. Let’s love our country together because when we love it, it will love us back!" Marissa Anita
Actress, journalist, MC
"I never thought I would feel so much from doing something so little. Volunteering to clean up the streets in Jakarta has taught me to think about what I consume and what I throw away, and also that I need to start separating my waste at home." Lyana Margareth