Help us bring joy to the people of Sukajaya

Thursday January 30th, 2020News, Press releases

Please donate to help us bring disaster relief to those affected by heavy flooding and landslides in Sukajaya, Bogor, West Java, and bring the post-traumatic stress relief programme, The Train of Joy, to children and families in the worst-affected areas.

In early January, as a result of heavy rains in West Java, several areas in Jakarta, Bogor and Banten regencies were seriously affected by flash floods and landslides. The sub-regency of Cigudeg was severely affected with many villages facing total loss and devastation. More than 4,000 Sukajaya residents have been displaced and more than 400 houses heavily damaged by floods and landslides, which also claimed at least six lives.

The Village of Urug has 2,360 residents from 660 families, from where 1,760 people are currently displaced; or 74% of the community. 66 houses totally destroyed; 104 severely damaged and 175 partially damaged. Children displaced and/or in distress sum 230.

We are committed to helping the affected communities of Sukajaya, Bogor by setting alternative solutions to their rehabilitation through our programme, The Train of Joy. Supporting MAN Forum, a non-profit organization concerned with humanitarian and environmental issues, IIF will work with the support of KEMENSOS and the local government, and in collaboration with schools, NGOs, and Karang Taruna as the local facilitators for The Train of Joy within the communities.

The Train of Joy is a non-formal education approach aimed to create capacity for post-disaster resilience and improve educational outcomes. We focus (but not exclusively) on children and youth since they are the most vulnerable.
The Train of Joy seeks to create capacity for communities to become more resilient to the effects of disasters, while it continues to provide assistance to support post-disaster stress relief. This is put on the ground mostly by engaging children and youth in the process of their own community rehabilitation.


• To provide medium- to long-term Post Traumatic Stress relief for children through non-formal education.
• To work in collaboration with the local youth (Karang Taruna), schools, government and others NGOs to sustain these programs and to support first, emergency schooling development, then community resilience.
• To make of the program an instrument to implement, monitor and evaluate capacity for the mitigation and adaptation to natural disasters.
• To ensure the recovery process will be a frame of work addressing sustainable solutions with emphasis on decreasing vulnerability to climate changes hazards.
• To increase literacy in climate changes and related environmental issues.
• To play with other benefits expected from the non-formal education such as vocational orientation and character building.


We are raising money to provide things most urgently needed by the people in Sukajaya, including what we need to run the Train of Joy program:
• Food
• Clothing
• Baby food/formula
• Gas canisters for cooking
• Genset to provide electricity at night
• Stationary for children
• Seedlings for the reforestation of trees in the area
Please help donate whatever you can so we can help the children, families and environment affected by flooding and landslides in Sukajaya.

If you would like to donate any of the above items, please contact Ibu Lisa directly at or call +62 (0)895 0404 2805 (call/WhatsApp). Thank you.